Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 905 Soul Flame

Peering into the Abyss of my soul, as the embers of my soul flame began to glisten within the absolute darkness, nodes of starry light pierced the darkness, congealing around my soul.

Seconds etched away as I stood watching with utter fascination as Abyssal particles swelled within me. Merging with my soul flame, the damage I sustained to my mind began to melt away, allowing the flame of my soul to burn even brighter.

My eyes opened. " Lilith? I think the Abyss is calling for me."

"I\'d hope it was." Came the response in a giggle. " I am the Abyss. I am everything she wishes she was—a dumb version of herself where others can communicate with her. Where she can connect to another."

"Dumb?" I said, almost choking on the water.

Lilith, snuggling in my arms, peered up from my chest with a solemn nod. " Don\'t laugh. It might sound stupid, but the simple fact is that we are all so dumb compared to the Abyss. She is a being of absolute, someone whose intelligence is so great that many believe it is only her will that exists."

"I don\'t understand. Isn\'t that the case?"

"The \'will\' is the only thing we can comprehend. Unlike the One, whose power was more focused and reserved for his control, the Abyss, in a way, represents the chaos of the world." She explained, ebbing towards me with her chin against my chest," It is from her that the madness of hell exists, but it\'s through the Father that the Hells are structured, maintained, and governed."

"Did you call yourself mad?" I teased, enjoying Lilith\'s sweet tender lips tracing over mine when I suddenly had a thought and pulled away. "Did you brush yo teeth? No wife of mine is gonna kiss me wish fish mouth!"

"GRRRR! Way to kill the mood!" Lilith snapped, and I couldn\'t help it. I grinned.

Blowing a Raspberry in the water, my laugh raved into crackles as I swam close, wrapping my arms around her, where the base of her skin held an Azure glow.

"Your brooding."

"And you\'re a dick,"

"As advertised."

Tightening my hold around the Little Minx, mothering my two babies, my fingers slowly trailed down her spine, sending shivers throughout her body. She turned to me, smiling with a flush expression. Cheeks a healthy glow, her nose wiggled a bit as she smiled.

"What\'s for date night?"

"Well, seeing that you are even bigger now. I say a fancy dinner anywhere will suffice. Most fancy dinners are where I find some of the weirdish dishes."

"Boooring!!" She moaned, sliding her eyes to meet mine as I massaged her spine.

"Really? Then how about we go grocery shopping? I\'ve got to prepare dinner in three weeks. I\'ll cook you up something as we—"

"Better! I care not for restaurants. Your food is always better," she whispered, and I swore that was her first compliment.

"My wife praising me! By the nines! Is the One close to blessing us with the rapture?"

"Oh, shut it," she muttered, blowing bubbles in the water.

" I—"

"Mrs. and Mr. Blackwater, are you done? It\'s been well over an hour." Vinay\'s pearly voice came from behind the door

"Well, if you are still bored, we\'ll go on a couple of hunts," I whisper. As my fangs protruded from my lips, Lilith smiled.

"As long as it ends in you cooking for me, I don\'t mind."

All I needed to know! "Comming!" I shouted, dunking Lilith\'s head into the water as I hopped out, rushing to open the door; as my robe flashed over my body, I smiled, sensing the fiery anger bellowing in the air.

Bewilderment edged over the young woman\'s face as she nodded, " Ok. Um, do you all need a few more minutes? It seems like there is a bit of tension."

"Just some hot flashes. You know, pregnant woman." I teased, glancing back at Lilith snorting while the azure flame cloak seemed to jump up and down with joyous laughter. My two babies were happy!


"And question why is there a sauna if we can swim? Not really a sauna?"

Vinay chuckled. "I asked the same question, and no one could answer me. It\'s a mystery, I guess. But it\'s just what we call it. It throws most people off when they see a body of water. Anyway. Your next treatment is the Heavenly Stone Massage, meant to mend the body to its original form. But I must ask, are any of you experiencing any soul injuries?"

"Why?" I inquired as Lilith finally walked up to my side in her robes.

"The soul is the conduit in which we think. These stones found by Lady Black and were gifted to us draw power from the soul, which usually leaves people weak. I\'ve seen a few people faint; While it makes the soul especially weak, it also repairs it to such a degree that many say they feel stronger after leaving. I\'d like to know to warn the masseuse who\'s treating you. Some have attacked her before."

"I see, I\'m good," I lied, figuring this was a good thing. The faster I recover, the better.

This sauna had done wonders for my soul already. It\'s almost healed, but— There was something odd going on with my Soul Flame.

Despite the massive injury, it seemed to carry a different aura I wasn\'t accustomed to. It was similar to Lilith yet profound, almost like the attunement I tried to use with my battle with Belphegor. It wasn\'t as rough as it now carried a gentle hue; it was doing something to my soul, and my adaptation was helping it along.

Was this what Mephisto saw or sensed? The damaged soul explained the personality shift, and I bet the abyssal attunement helped with that but—to what end?

After today, I wonder how I will change.

Interlocking her fingers with mine, Lilith smiled, "let\'s go."

Pulling me along, I followed helplessly as my mind fell into the thought of the future. My heart was racing at the thought as I didn\'t want this mentality to fade. Despite how cold everything felt to me, how dead it felt to return to my past self, I needed it. I needed to be a killer.

To battle against the fallen, one cannot be an angel, nor can they be a normal god! I needed my killer instinct, my hunter mentality.

My footstep paused, drawing Lilith and Vinay\'s attention as we stood outside a large door.

"It\'s right inside, Mr. Blackwater. Do you by chance need—"

"Vinay Jones," I coldly said as her eyes widened and her pupils shrunk into a fine point star. My lips curled as I saw her reaction, "now this takes me back. Do you remember me, or has my appearance changed so much?"

Her feet staggered back as she shuttered, dripping sweat, over her bewitching face, " T-t-that s-m-mile It\'s you! IT\'S YOU!!!!"

"Run," I whispered, "Because I\'m coming for you and your child. I needn\'t remind you what happened last?"

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